In June 2004 a 21-year old white male, George Caithamer, was pulled over in the village of Maywood, a Chicago suburb, for driving on a suspended license. He was place in a holding cell with two black prisoners, one of whom was a reputed gang member, 30-year-old Marcus Hrobowski.
Hrobowksi, a 6'4" 215 pound thug, almost immediately proceeded to harass Caithamer and rob him. First Hrobowski made Caithamer give him his Nike shoes and then started punching him. Caithamer hurled racial slurs for the next 20 minutes beating Caithamer and making him strip naked. Throughout the beating Hrobowski pleaded for his life and screamed for help, fearful that Hrobowski was going kill or rape him. The police eventually came to his rescue after Caithamer had been hit 62 times and suffered a concussion.
Caithamer sued the village of Maywood after the attack alleging that the Maywood police officers placed him in the same cell as Hrobowski. Lawyers blamed Maywood police officers and jailers, some of whom sat by monitors that showed the incident in progress, for putting their client in a cell with a known violent felon. The lawsuit also alleged that at least two of the cops heard Hrobowski make racist threats. " Just before he was placed in the cell there were two police officers who heard the beater, his name is Rabowski, who heard him say I'm going to kill white people and I'm going to kill the officer that brought him in," said Blake Horwitz, attorney for Caithamer.
The village of Maywood settled out of court with Caithamer for $750,000 this week.
What's really disturbing is how little press this story has been getting. Hrobowski is a racist thug who beat the hell out of the young Caithamer. Why hasn't Jessie Jackson visited Caithamer and publicly condemned this hate crime??? Could it be because Hrobowski is white and Jackson is a racist hypocrite?
The worst part of this whole ordeal is that Hrbowski got off scot-free for the attack by reason of insanity. He's now institutionalized at an Elgin mental health facility. It's outrageous, if you ask me.