Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Great Article About Dustin Diamond and Wife

I have discovered a great article about Dustin Diamond and his wife. This article discusses how Diamond's first date with his wife was at an Arby's (how romantic) and how his wife was a bit standoffish when they first met. Diamond also mentions the following about Saved By The Bell fans:

On "Saved by the Bell" fans - "It’s nice to be recognized. But for every two nice people, you get three rude people. … We get people driving by the house at night, screaming, throwing stuff."

For some reason I find that quote to be very funny. The show ended years ago but Screech's fans still scream at him and throw garbage on his lawn!


Hilarious Blogs Making Fun of Dustin Diamond

I recently discovered a chain of blogs making fun of Screech and Dustin Diamond, the actor who played Screech on Saved By The Bell. These blogs all contain a ton of gay jokes about Mr. Diamond and the Screech character and are uproarious. If you are an adult, check them out (warning: offensive humor may not be suitable for children):

Dustin Diamond Queer Fantasies Blog!!!
Queers Unite for Dustin Diamond
Ox's "Remember When" page
The Dner Collection
Jack Meoffa's Remember When Stories

Monday, January 23, 2006

Screech's Stand-up Comedy Act

I was looking at the messages posted at IMDB.com for Dustin Diamond today when I cam across this message from someone who has apparently seen Dustin's stand-up comedy act:

Re: Screech is the worst comedian ever!
by - kylebarkerlgi 2 days ago (Fri Jan 20 2006 21:12:07 )

UPDATED Fri Jan 20 2006 21:22:20
I saw his stand-up. I met him outside where he was signing autographs, and he's a nice fellow one-on-one. I got some laughs from his material, but some I confess were courtesy laughs.

His brand of humor is not really my taste. Any comedian who didn't do sexual humor in his hey-day and does it now is just doing it for cheap shock value (see also: Bob Saget). And in Mr. Diamond's case, it is too disgusting too even be funny. I'm not saying I never laugh at a dirty joke, but hearing Screech go on and on about pornography featuring geriatrics, and make light of incest, and wax misonygistic about injuring a woman anally, is not my idea of fun.

Nor is the other half of his act, which consists of about twenty minutes of his imitation of a retarded person, prefaced by a short speech about "don't be too P.C."---in other words, your'e a spoilsport if you don't laugh. Apparently not finding it hilarious ten times in a row is not an option. To top it off, Diamond managed to squeeze in not one but two "jokes" about the late Christopher Reeve.

Of his TV co-stars, all he had to say was "Zack and Slater sucked", and that Mark-Paul Gosselar ("Zack") was gay. This he was adamant about convincing the audience of. However, Gosselar is married and has a son.

I don't know what I was expecting; I knew he wasn't going to do old "saved by the bell" bits, but at the same time I wasn't expecting this drek.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Saved By The Coke???

I discovered an Internet article in which the author states that Dustin Diamond and Dennis Haskins are both avid cocain users. Screech and Mr. Belding, say it ain't so!

#1. Dustin Diamond (aka 'Screech'): Did coke while on a date with a friend of mine who goes to University of Maryland. Kudos, Dustin:

#2. Dennis Haskins (aka 'Mr. Belding'): Someone I know helped to found a student group whose sole purpose was to get Mr. Belding to speak at UT. They succeeded (see the article in the UT newspaper). Afterwards, the guy I knew took an eager Mr. Belding out to bars, at which point the former Saved by the Bellian proceeded to do coke. To the best of my knowledge, he was high on coke when this photo was taken.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Chicago-area Maywood police department annouced a $750,000 settlement for a white prisoner beaten by a racist black prisoner

In June 2004 a 21-year old white male, George Caithamer, was pulled over in the village of Maywood, a Chicago suburb, for driving on a suspended license. He was place in a holding cell with two black prisoners, one of whom was a reputed gang member, 30-year-old Marcus Hrobowski.

Hrobowksi, a 6'4" 215 pound thug, almost immediately proceeded to harass Caithamer and rob him. First Hrobowski made Caithamer give him his Nike shoes and then started punching him. Caithamer hurled racial slurs for the next 20 minutes beating Caithamer and making him strip naked. Throughout the beating Hrobowski pleaded for his life and screamed for help, fearful that Hrobowski was going kill or rape him. The police eventually came to his rescue after Caithamer had been hit 62 times and suffered a concussion.

Caithamer sued the village of Maywood after the attack alleging that the Maywood police officers placed him in the same cell as Hrobowski. Lawyers blamed Maywood police officers and jailers, some of whom sat by monitors that showed the incident in progress, for putting their client in a cell with a known violent felon. The lawsuit also alleged that at least two of the cops heard Hrobowski make racist threats. " Just before he was placed in the cell there were two police officers who heard the beater, his name is Rabowski, who heard him say I'm going to kill white people and I'm going to kill the officer that brought him in," said Blake Horwitz, attorney for Caithamer.

The village of Maywood settled out of court with Caithamer for $750,000 this week.

What's really disturbing is how little press this story has been getting. Hrobowski is a racist thug who beat the hell out of the young Caithamer. Why hasn't Jessie Jackson visited Caithamer and publicly condemned this hate crime??? Could it be because Hrobowski is white and Jackson is a racist hypocrite?

The worst part of this whole ordeal is that Hrbowski got off scot-free for the attack by reason of insanity. He's now institutionalized at an Elgin mental health facility. It's outrageous, if you ask me.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hilarious Saved By The Bell flash game

I just discovered an hilarious Saved By The Bell flash animation game called Saved By Your Balls. In the game the player is one of the Saved By The Bell characters and has to whore himself out to the other characters to earn $5000 to fix the player's damage car before the player's parents get home.

If you play as Screech, you can earn $250 in the gym locker room by letting A.C. Slater rape you. This is pure hilarity!

Here's a picture of one of the screens in the game:

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Another Dennis Haskins picture!

I found anohter picture of Mr. Belding partying with college students while trying to score some hot babes. Check it out: