Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Dustin Diamond is an idiot

Remember the character Screech from Saved By The Bell??? Remember how annoying he was when he would always screw up Zack's crazy scams or annoy AC Slater? He was by far the most retarded character on that show. After Zack, AC Slater, Kelly, Lisa, and Jessie graduated with him in 1993 when the original Saved By The Bell run ended, he came back a year later to star in the dreadful Saved By The Bell: The New Class where he was apparently Mr. Belding's mentally deficient assistant.

Anyhow, Diamond has laid low for the past few years and is now trying to strike it big in the entertainment industry again. He is the bass player in Salty the Pocketknife which, as I understand it, is a horrible, horrible band. Apparently one of their biggest "hits" is called "Rim Goblin." That's sad. Check out some of the reviews for their crappy album.

Diamond is also a stand-up comedian. That's a shocker seeing as how he never said anything funny on Saved By The Bell. (Fans did laugh at him on that show, however, for being such a pathetic loser for playing Screech.) Check out these reviews of Diamond's stand-up act: review #1 review #2

Apparently there are a lot of people who like to post fantasies about Diamond in this forum (some of these are pretty funny): "Dustin Diamond Love"

Check out Garrett Brown's anti-Screech website.

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