Monday, January 23, 2006

Screech's Stand-up Comedy Act

I was looking at the messages posted at for Dustin Diamond today when I cam across this message from someone who has apparently seen Dustin's stand-up comedy act:

Re: Screech is the worst comedian ever!
by - kylebarkerlgi 2 days ago (Fri Jan 20 2006 21:12:07 )

UPDATED Fri Jan 20 2006 21:22:20
I saw his stand-up. I met him outside where he was signing autographs, and he's a nice fellow one-on-one. I got some laughs from his material, but some I confess were courtesy laughs.

His brand of humor is not really my taste. Any comedian who didn't do sexual humor in his hey-day and does it now is just doing it for cheap shock value (see also: Bob Saget). And in Mr. Diamond's case, it is too disgusting too even be funny. I'm not saying I never laugh at a dirty joke, but hearing Screech go on and on about pornography featuring geriatrics, and make light of incest, and wax misonygistic about injuring a woman anally, is not my idea of fun.

Nor is the other half of his act, which consists of about twenty minutes of his imitation of a retarded person, prefaced by a short speech about "don't be too P.C."---in other words, your'e a spoilsport if you don't laugh. Apparently not finding it hilarious ten times in a row is not an option. To top it off, Diamond managed to squeeze in not one but two "jokes" about the late Christopher Reeve.

Of his TV co-stars, all he had to say was "Zack and Slater sucked", and that Mark-Paul Gosselar ("Zack") was gay. This he was adamant about convincing the audience of. However, Gosselar is married and has a son.

I don't know what I was expecting; I knew he wasn't going to do old "saved by the bell" bits, but at the same time I wasn't expecting this drek.

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