Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Saved By The Coke???

I discovered an Internet article in which the author states that Dustin Diamond and Dennis Haskins are both avid cocain users. Screech and Mr. Belding, say it ain't so!
#1. Dustin Diamond (aka 'Screech'): Did coke while on a date with a friend of mine who goes to University of Maryland. Kudos, Dustin:

#2. Dennis Haskins (aka 'Mr. Belding'): Someone I know helped to found a student group whose sole purpose was to get Mr. Belding to speak at UT. They succeeded (see the article in the UT newspaper). Afterwards, the guy I knew took an eager Mr. Belding out to bars, at which point the former Saved by the Bellian proceeded to do coke. To the best of my knowledge, he was high on coke when this photo was taken.

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