Thursday, November 10, 2005

The "Jeff Bagwell Conspiracy"

I recently discovered an article about the flow of steroids into major league baseball over the past 10-15 years. It's a funny satirical article about how Jeff Bagwell has been one of the steroid kingpins, and that all steroid use can be traced to him. I especially like the part about how Tony Gywnn got hooked:

Perhaps the most shocking participant in the great San Diego juice-up of 1997 was none other than future Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn. After several seasons of being one of the greatest hitters of all time, Gwynn went into the off-season of 1996 having not played more than 141 games since 1989. In 1996, Gwynn had watched his teammates enjoy fabulous years while he suffered through an injury plagued year in which he played only 116 games, hit only 3 homeruns and drove in only 50 runs. So, desperate to regain his stroke, Tony joined in the 'roid parties at Greg Vaughn's house, packing on several pounds of undetectable muscle under the layers of fat on his body, and emerged in 1997 ready to pack some punch with his lunch.

The Bagwell conspiracy

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