I can't believe the whole uproar about yesterday's execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams III, one of the co-founders of the Crips, one of America's most violent black gangs. This racist piece of human excrement is a cold-blooded killer and he has yet to show any remorse for his crimes.
In 1979 he murdered four innocent victims execution style within the span of 12 days. First, he murdered 26-year-old veteran Albert Lewis Owens, a white convenience store clerk. Mr. Owens was a father of two working as a clerk at a convenience store. Williams and three other Crips forced Owens to the floor at gunpoint. Williams fired two shots into his back while he lay on the ground. The idiots made off with a whopping $120. There is no doubt that Williams did it because he was caught on a security camera in the convenience store. Williams later said he killed Owens "because he was white and he was killing all white people."
Eleven days later Williams killed three legal Chinese immigrants Yen-I Yang, 76, his wife, Tsai-Shai Yang, 63, and their daughter, 43-year-old Yee-Chin Lin. He made off with a just $100. Williams later bragged that that his victims were "Buddha-heads."
It's amazing to me that the Hollywood idiots and the extreme left-wing political factions now say that Williams is "rehabilitated" because he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for writing anti-violence children's books. Guess many of his masterpiece books has he sold - just a whopping 332 copies! Apparently it's very easy to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, so I guess it's not really an honor just to be nominated.
This piece of shit had all the chances in the world to apologize for his heinous, racist murders but he has never come clean and apologized! He got exactly what he had coming to him and now he's burning in hell for his crimes!
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