Sunday, September 11, 2005

More funny Yahoo message board posts

This old exchange between judge_smailes8 and the regulars at the Milestone Scientific Yahoo message board is quite humorous. judge_smailes8 manages to piss off quite a few people!

Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: scullyxxxmulder 03/02/03 10:52 am
Msg: 3045 of 4872

OK everyone. We can all agree that this stock is lets get into something serious.


There are only 2 Rules:
1- You can NOT vote for yourself
2- If you live in Florida your vote will not count

Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: judge_smailes8 (75/M/Benton Harbor, MI)
Long-Term Sentiment: Sell 04/01/03 02:27 am
Msg: 3070 of 4872

Scully, regardless of your criteria, I still want to nominate myself.

You and I are among the handful of intelligent contributors to this board. I used to post quite frequently in 1999-2000, but my postings have been very infrequent lately. In fact, this is my first post to this board in over a year.

I used to own several thousand shares of MS, but I liquidated my position last year when I came to the realization that MS would eventually go under. I always thought that their great Wand product would sell like hotcakes. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

As I enter my golden years, I look back at some of the accomplishments in my life with renewed appreciated. Yes, I was a judge on the Court of Appeals in Chicago from 1962-1975, appointed by President Kennedy. After I retired from the Court of Appeals, I worked as a mediator until the early 90s. Now, I spend my spare time visiting my grandchildren and investing. MS will always hold a special place in my heart - I'll never forget the many times I flamed Pool (remember him?) for posting something moronic. I also frequently bashed the Chinese kid who post to post here - (Ping something was his name).

Despite MS' certain demise, I have had a good time posting on the MS board. As a former judge, I've always felt the need to try to educate some of the less intelligent posters here. Hopefully, we'll all find another board on which to post our thoughts. I've perused the ANF board in the past, but that board has entirely too many morons who post. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself. In my younger days I could stomach reading what morons had to say about stocks. However, I am now 75 years old, and I do not have the time for such idoits. Accordingly, I'll have to find another board on which to spend my time.

Good luck to everyone else who has ever posted here.


Judge T. Smailes, Esq., Retired
U.S. Court of Appeals, Chicago (1962-75)

Posted as a reply to: Msg 3045 by scullyxxxmulder

Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: kima1957 04/02/03 10:01 am
Msg: 3072 of 4872

Dear Judge Smailes,

You sound like many lawyers I know, and more than a few judges. That is: Arrogant.

Now that you've nominated yourself (thank you for that), please tell us more about your background -- and how wonderful and smart you are. We are so fortunate to have learned from a man of your stature.

It's painfully obvious that you use boards like this for self-promotion. Get a grip on reality, man; nobody cares.

And some of us have more financial smarts than you'll ever have.

Posted as a reply to: Msg 3070 by judge_smailes8

Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: judge_smailes8 (75/M/Benton Harbor, MI)
Long-Term Sentiment: Sell 04/03/03 02:45 am
Msg: 3075 of 4872

Dear kima1957,

You are a complete idiot. I'm so sick of reading all the messages written by morons who post on the Yahoo message boards! People like are the reason why so few intelligent investors post here.

By the way, your login and your writing are vaguely familiar. Didn't I send you to the Joliet state prison for a couple years during the early 70s for armed robbery?

In any event, Kima1957, I am a former federal judge for the Court of Appeals in Chicago, appointed by President Kennedy. Did you ever meet President Kennedy? No you say? I didn't think so. I had lunch with President Kennedy and the former Mayor Richard M. Daley back on a warm spring day in '62. Both were quite affable, yet they would be appalled by the complete lack of respect and manner that you have shown me.

To the cordial MS posters over the previous 4 years, I bid you adieu! To the rude, obnoxious posters, I am not sorry to see you guys go. Your negativity is probably responsible for bringing MS down to the ground – you should be ashamed of yourselves!!!

Good night.

Judge T. Smailes, Esq., Retired
U.S. Court of Appeals, Chicago (1962-75)

>>Dear Judge Smailes,
>>You sound like many lawyers I know, and more than a few judges. That is: Arrogant.
>>Now that you've nominated yourself (thank you for that), please tell us more about your background -- and how wonderful and smart you are. We are so fortunate to have learned from a man of your stature.
>>It's painfully obvious that you use boards like this for self-promotion. Get a grip on reality, man; nobody cares.
>>And some of us have more financial smarts than you'll ever have.

Posted as a reply to: Msg 3072 by kima1957

Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: kima1957 04/03/03 12:52 pm
Msg: 3078 of 4872

Dear Judge Smailes,

We are all very impressed with you! Happy now?

Oh, and by the way, contrary to your assertion that I am "a complete idiot," in fact I have an IQ of 150 and have been a member of MENSA for years. Of course, I realize that your IQ is certainly much higher than mine ... and that you are eminently more knowledgeable than I as an investor (despite my graduate degrees in finance and economics).

The essential difference between us is simply this: Although I have posted here before, I do not feel the psychological need to engage in egomaniacal self-promotion. In fact, I am no better than anyone else.

And by the way: The ratio of "intelligent" to "moronic" posts on THIS board is approximately proportional to ANY OTHER Yahoo stock board.


Posted as a reply to: Msg 3075 by judge_smailes8

Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: judge_smailes8 (75/M/Benton Harbor, MI)
Long-Term Sentiment: Sell 04/04/03 02:06 am
Msg: 3082 of 4872


In your last post, you wrote "The essential difference between us is simply this: Although I have posted here before, I do not feel the psychological need to engage in egomaniacal self-promotion." However, you also wrote that your IQ is 150 and you are a member of MENSA.

Whew! I need to lie down! On the one hand, you mention that you don't engage in self-promotion, but on the other hand, you stress that your IQ is really high. Kima1957, all you do is engage in self-promotion!

You may have a 150 IQ, but did you graduate from Harvard Law School? I didn't think so. While you were discussing the latest Star Trek episodes at your Mensa meetings, I issued opinions that paved the way for the creation of the Federal Circuit!

This is my last post to this board. I can no longer tolerate the idiocy here.


Judge T. Smailes, Esq., Retired
U.S. Court of Appeals, Chicago (1962-75)

Posted as a reply to: Msg 3078 by kima1957

Dear Judge
by: kima1957 04/04/03 09:51 am
Msg: 3083 of 4872

Judge Smailes,

I have posted on this board a couple dozen times in the last few years, and I have NEVER "tooted my own horn" (prior to yesterday).

I indicated my IQ ONLY in response to your calling me an idiot. My high IQ doesn't make me better than anyone else -- and if it weren't for YOU, Judge, I would NEVER have disclosed it! My high IQ only makes me the antithesis of the idiot that you called me.

And you just can't resist, can you? You just can't help even MORE self-promoting, EVERY time you post! We continue to be sooooo impressed! Please, PLEASE, tell us more about yourself and your self-important life! You're so much better than the rest of us can ever hope to be!

And you know what, Judge? You have absolutely NO CLUE as to what I've done with my life, and I DO NOT feel the need to disclose to you (or anyone else) my own importance. But I will tell you this:

A. I have never been to a "MENSA Convention" (I'm afraid the majority of those folks would bore me to tears); and I have no interest in Star Trek.

B. I've accomplished a few things in my life, things that just might impress even such a magnificent specimen as yourself.

Have a nice day.


P.S. Seems like at least a few posters to this board (besides myself) have also noticed your blatant self-promotion.

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