Sunday, March 19, 2006

Alf admits gay sexual abuse

Remember the 80s TV show ALF? I found an Internet website that tells the story about how ALF was a victim of gay sexual abuse perpetrated by actors Max Wright and JM J Bullock! Read all about it here:

Hi. I'm Alf.

Many of you remember that I had a tv sitcom from 1986 to 1991 named Alf on NBC. I crash landed my spaceship in Max Wright's backyard and could not leave Earth. Max and his family adopted me and treated me like I was a member of their family. At first, this was wonderful. Then I realized what it meant to be a 'member' of Max Wright's family.

Max told me I was an Alf (Alien Life Form) and if anyone discovered me, I would be thrown into prison with murderers, rapists and rap stars because I was an illegal alien. Since I am from another planet, I believed him.

Max's constant threats of arrest by the authorities and fear of going to prison kept me silent during my years of gay sexual abuse by Max Wright and later, Jim J Bullock.

I gathered the courage to tell my stories after the National Enquirer obtained a home video tape (filmed by Max's gay lover) of Max and his butt buddy smoking crack and smoking dick with homeless fags they picked up off the streets. Max made the cover of the National Enquirer for this one!
. . .

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