Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Michael Ian Black = Annoying Turd!
He recites lame "jokes" periodically throughout each episode. Unfortunately, however, when he tells them with his trademark deadpan pot-head delivery 99% of his jokes fall flat.
He looks like a flaming homosexual with the way he dresses and he makes me want to change the channel whenever he's in a scene. He reminds me of a middle school kid who goes around making fun of people ignoring the fact that no one is laughing, but continues to think he's funny because he doesn't care that no one thinks he's funny. When he was in high school he was probably a stereotypical skinny kid who wore turtlenecks every day, sat at lunch with his drama club dork friends, and constantly said unfunny random shit. What a tool!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tookie Williams - BURN IN HELL!!!
I can't believe the whole uproar about yesterday's execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams III, one of the co-founders of the Crips, one of America's most violent black gangs. This racist piece of human excrement is a cold-blooded killer and he has yet to show any remorse for his crimes.
In 1979 he murdered four innocent victims execution style within the span of 12 days. First, he murdered 26-year-old veteran Albert Lewis Owens, a white convenience store clerk. Mr. Owens was a father of two working as a clerk at a convenience store. Williams and three other Crips forced Owens to the floor at gunpoint. Williams fired two shots into his back while he lay on the ground. The idiots made off with a whopping $120. There is no doubt that Williams did it because he was caught on a security camera in the convenience store. Williams later said he killed Owens "because he was white and he was killing all white people."
Eleven days later Williams killed three legal Chinese immigrants Yen-I Yang, 76, his wife, Tsai-Shai Yang, 63, and their daughter, 43-year-old Yee-Chin Lin. He made off with a just $100. Williams later bragged that that his victims were "Buddha-heads."
It's amazing to me that the Hollywood idiots and the extreme left-wing political factions now say that Williams is "rehabilitated" because he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for writing anti-violence children's books. Guess many of his masterpiece books has he sold - just a whopping 332 copies! Apparently it's very easy to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, so I guess it's not really an honor just to be nominated.
This piece of shit had all the chances in the world to apologize for his heinous, racist murders but he has never come clean and apologized! He got exactly what he had coming to him and now he's burning in hell for his crimes!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Funny guestbook for fans of Dustin Diamond
Hey guys, I just discovered a funny guestbook for fans of Dustin Diamond. There used to be a great guestbook at, but it was taken down a few months ago for some unknown reason. Anyway, it seems as though this new guestbook picks up where the other one left off. One last thing - this guestbook is supposedly a "queers-only" guestbook, as all of the posts appear to make homosexual references to Dustin Diamond and/or Saved By The Bell.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Dustin Diamond "Inside the Actor's Studio" parody skit on SNL
On April 15, 2000 Saturday Night Live had one of the funniest skits I've ever seen. The skit was the hilarious "Inside The Actor's Studuio" with Will Ferrell as James Lipton and Tobey Maguire as Dustin Diamond (from Saved By The Bell). The dialogue, available at was as follows:
James Lipton: In going through the list of great characters... few come to mind. Blanche Dubois, from "Streetcar Named Desire".. Willy Loman, from "Death of a Salesman".. and, of course.. Screech, from "Saved By The Bell". That actor is with us today. Please join me in welcoming.. Mr. Dustin Diamond.
[ Dustin Diamond enters the set, grimacing like a buffoon ]
James Lipton: The character.. the character of Screech. Where did he come from?
Dustin Diamond: A place inside me! There's a Screech inside all of us, but.. mostly, it's a funny voice!
James Lipton: In 1992.. a made-for-television film came out that changed the face of American cinema. That film, of course, is "Saved By The Bell: Hawaiian Style". If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and see the greatest film EVER! In the history.. of the world. In that piece.. you were kidnapped by the Pupuku clan. How did you prepare for that?
Dustin Diamond: Well, I'd like to say that I studied a lot for that part - you know, reading stuff on Hawaii - but.. we just had fun. I do this thing in my head, I.. pretend to put on a funny hat.. and then I just get crazy!! [ laughs like a moron ]
James Lipton: In that picture.. Kelly's grandfather invites the entire gang to Hawaii for summer holiday.
Dustin Diamond: Yes! The thing about that-
James Lipton: [ interrupting ] They expect a marvelous time at the beach, sans Mr. Belding. They arrive.. and discover Mr. Belding is there as well, don't they?
Dustin Diamond: Yes! Yes, he is! [ cracking up ] They didn't think he was gonna be there, but he is! That's the ,b>twist part! [ laughs ]
James Lipton: You.. are a delight! [ breaks into a boisterous guffaw ]
Dustin Diamond: Thank you! [ with nothing else to do, joins Liptin in his boistorous guffaw ]
James Lipton: [ finally ] In 1993, Dustin leaves the "Saved By The Bell" series, to stretch his acting chops, if you will.. and, in 1994, he found a role that suited him. That of an administrative assistant to a high school principal.. in "Saved By The Bell: The New Class". If you want to see an actor practice his craft at the highest level.. you need look no further than "Saved By The Bell: The New Class" - it's marvelous!
Dustin Diamond: When I thought.. that I was done with the role of Screech, I swore I would never do it again - then.. I read the script. I wept openly on the flight to Philadelphia! You don't come across writing like that every day!
James Lipton: Indeed, you don't. Of course, we will conclude our.. evening.. with a questionnaire.. invented by the great Bernard Pivot.
Dustin Diamond: Oh, boy! Ha ha ha!
James Lipton: What is your favorite word?
Dustin Diamond: Oh, uh.. [ thinking ] Pancake!
James Lipton: What turns you off?
Dustin Diamond: When.. someone throws garbage or feces at you?
James Lipton: What sound, or noise, do you love?
Dustin Diamond: To be honest.. applause.
[ the audience erupts into forced applause, much to Dustin's bemused delight ]
James Lipton: I think we all like that. What is your favorite curse word?
Dustin Diamond: Hmm.. "frosted nuts"! [ giggles coquettishly ]
James Lipton: [ laughs uproariously with Dustin ] Nicely done! And, finally.. if Heaven exists.. what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?
Dustin Diamond: "Up here.. you'd be playing the role of Zack!"
James Lipton: [ clapping ] Dustin Diamond.. on behalf of The Actor's Studio, and the student before, I thank you.
Dustin Diamond: Thank you!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
David Wells' attacker loses appeal
Take a look at this asshole. His name is Rocco Graziosa, and he's the little punk who attacked former New York Yankees pitcher David Wells in 2002, knocking out 2 of Wells' teeth in an unprovoked attack at a New York diner.
Apparently on the night of September 7, 2002 Wells was at Gracie's Corner Restaurant in New York City with a friend when Graziosa walked in with some friends and began talking with the pitcher, according to police Sgt. David Jorin. After the conversation, Graziosa went to his table and made a remark about Wells' mother, who is dead. A few moments later, Graziosa grabbed a butter knife off the table, began waving it and then attacked Wells, police said.
Wells, who stands 6'4" and probably weighs 300 lbs, did not retaliate against Graziosa, a 5'7" man. In doing so he would have opened himself up to lawsuits by the little bastard.
A Manhattan Criminal Court jury convicted Graziosa on Nov. 22, 2002, of third-degree assault. He was sentenced to 45 days in jail. His appeal to this conviction was rejected last week.
Graziosa is human scum that will likely see the inside of a jail cell many more times during his lifetime - he is currently on probation after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges of fondling a 21-year-old woman who fell asleep during a New Year's party in a Yonkers house on Jan. 1, 2004.
Meanwhile, a civil lawsuit that Wells filed against Graziosa in September 2003 seeking unspecified damages is pending in Manhattan's state Supreme Court.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Dennis Haskins revisted...
Check out this picture - he's wearing a mustache in an unsuccessful attempt to disguise himself as a cool and hip older gentleman:
He looks like Humpty-Dumpty is this picture:
He's trying to pick up an incredibly hot chick here who looks creeped out by the fact that Saved By The Bell's "Mr. Belding" is trying to get on her:
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Jim Thome is a good acquisition for the White Sox
Rowand will be missed, as he was a good, but not great, hard-nosed player who played all-out in centerfield while providing stellar defense. However, Thome is worth the loss of Rowand. Although Thome was injured last year and there have been rumors of possible steroid use, Thome put up suberb offensive numbers from 1996-2004, averaging 40 home runs and 115 RBIs per year. If he comes even close to producing similar numbers in 2006, he will be more than worth the trade of Rowand. Moreover, the acquisition of Thome provide the White Sox with insurance in case the team is unable to re-sign their current 1st-basemen Paul Konerko. And if the Sox can re-sign Konerko, Thome would be a great DH.
Song from Nissan XTerra commercial.
"You're gonna fall behind me. You're gonna cry and beg for mercy... 'cause you're not ready baby, you got nothin on me..."
Anyway, I just discovered that the name of the song is "Fall Behind Me" by "The Donnas," an all-female rock group. This song is from their 2004 album entitled Gold Medal.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Steroids in baseball
The author also write about how Peter Rose considered using steroids but ultimately decided against it at the end of his career when he was losing bat speed. The article mentions an outfielder on the Reds in 1986 who showed up at training camp that spring with an extra 30 pounds of muscle due to steroid usage. I looked at in an attempt to determine the identity of the outfielder. I think he must be referring to either Eric Davis or Dave Parker, the only two power hitting outfielders on the team.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
The 2005 NL MVP award
Congratulations to Albert Pujols on winning the 2005 National League MVP Award. It's about time he won one after finishing in the top four during 2001-2004 when a Barry Bonds juiced-up on steroids stole 4 in a row. I probably would have voted for Pujols if given the opportunity as he put up great numbers this year. However, I am surprised at the final voting results:
Player Team 1st place 2nd place 3rd place Total votes
Albert Pujols STL 18 14 - 378
Andruw Jones ATL 13 17 2 351
Derrek Lee CHC 1 1 30 263
Here are the respctive season stats for the top three:
Pujols 161 591 129 195 38 2 41 117 97 65 16 2 .330 .430 .609 1.039
Jones 160 586 95 154 24 3 51 128 64 112 5 3 .263 .347 .575 .922
Lee 158 594 120 199 50 3 46 107 85 109 15 3 .335 .418 .662 1.080
I am not surprised that Pujols won - I figured beforehand that Pujols would win a close vote. However, I thought that Pujols would barely beat out Lee for the award, not Jones. Look at the stats above and you'll see that one player's stats lag far behind the other two. That player is, of course, Andruw Jones. Jones hit a pedestrian .263 for the year, 67 points below Pujols and a whopping 72 points below Lee. Some people will point out that Jones hit 51 homers. While that is an impressive stat, his slugging percentage was still well below that of Pujols and Lee. Jones has more RBIs, but that's most likely because Atlanta had more runners on base throughout the season when he came to the plate that did Pujols or Lee.
When I see results like this, it really makes me wonder if the people doing the voting are retarded or are simply holding grudges against certain players. It makes me think of the 1995 AL MVP voting where Albert Belle was absolutely robbed by Mo Vaugh, a player with far inferior stats who played on a worse team than Belle.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Dennis Haskins is fat
What has happened to him? It almost looks as though he ate one of the kids from Saved By The Bell.
It's really sad that he let himself go like this. Apparently he has no reason to stay in shape now that his TV career is pretty much over and done with. I read somewhere that now he tours colleges giving motivationals speeches, trying to pick up college-aged women, and stuffing his face with greasy food.
Look at these pictures of him in action hanging out with college-aged kids:
Thursday, November 10, 2005
The "Jeff Bagwell Conspiracy"
Perhaps the most shocking participant in the great San Diego juice-up of 1997 was none other than future Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn. After several seasons of being one of the greatest hitters of all time, Gwynn went into the off-season of 1996 having not played more than 141 games since 1989. In 1996, Gwynn had watched his teammates enjoy fabulous years while he suffered through an injury plagued year in which he played only 116 games, hit only 3 homeruns and drove in only 50 runs. So, desperate to regain his stroke, Tony joined in the 'roid parties at Greg Vaughn's house, packing on several pounds of undetectable muscle under the layers of fat on his body, and emerged in 1997 ready to pack some punch with his lunch.
The Bagwell conspiracy
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Frank Thomas belongs in the Hall of Fame after he retires
His career BA is .307, the 10th highest among active players. His career OBP is .427, which is 13th on teh all-time list. His career slugging % is .568 (15th all-time), his OPS is .995 (11th all-time), he has hit 448 hime runs (30th all-time), and has 1465 RBIs (48th all-time). Thomas is also the proud holder of a ton of White Sox team hitting records.
Despite these awesome career total, some baseball pundits believe he does not belong in the Hall of Fame!!! I whole-heartedly disagree with these pundits. The "Big Hurt" is one of the greatest and most patient hitters to ever play the game. He should have won 3 MVP awards; unfortunately a Giambi juiced-up on steroids stole the award from him in 2000. Thomas, on the other hand, appears to have played his entire career steroid-free. He has always been big, even in the early 90s when he was first called up to the big leagues, unlike Barry Bonds in particular. With his career averages and power numbers he should be a first ballot choice all the way.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
The 2005 Chicago White Sox is the best team in at least 22 years
I've seen some great championship teams during that time period such as, e.g., the 1984 Tigers, the 1986 Mets, the 1989 A's, the 1998 Yankees, and the 2001 Diamondbacks. All were great teams but none were as good throughout the season and during the playoffs as the 2005 White Sox. While some of those teams had a couple awesome pitchers (such as the 2001 Diamondbacks led by the great Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling), none had an entire pitching staff of starters and relievers as good as this year's White Sox. The "Four Horsemen" of Jose Contreras, Mark Buehrle, Jon Garland, and Freddy Garcia were awesome starters and the bullpen of Cliff Polite, Neal Cotts, and big Bobby Jenkes, to name a few, was unbelievable.
The scary thing is that they'll be even better next year when 2005 rookie Brandon McCarthy is pitching every 5th day. I predict they'll win at least 105 games in 2006 and capture another World Series title. As annoucer Ken "Hawk" Harrelson would say, "You can put it on the board ... YES!!!"
Monday, October 24, 2005
Al Franken needs a muzzle!
Al Franken needs a good kick to the nuts. I'm sick of reading news articles about this "blame America first" blowhard. He's the type of tax-and-spend liberal who thinks America deserved to be attacked on 9/11. Like many liberals, he complains about the state of the country yet offers no viable alternatives of his own.
Instead of esposing left-wing tripe, shouldn't be acting as his trademark flaming-homosexual character Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live? Maybe he can work on a sequel to his 1995 Oscar-worthy cinematic masterpiece "Stuart Saves His Family." After the uproar over its snub in 1995, the Academy can't possibly overlook another Stuart Smally movie for Best Picture!
Al is the type of guy who was a wise-ass punk kid back in grade school. I'll bet he lipped off to his teachers and other students without any repurcussions because they were a bunch of pussies just like him. If he'd been in my grade school and lipped off to the wrong kid, someone would have broken his "Coke bottle" glasses and booted him in the ass to keep him in line.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
The Cubs suck
Wrigley Field is nothing more than a giant gay bar. Come on, have you seen that field? It's so small - your mother could probably hit a home run when the wind is blowing out. And what's the deal with the stupid ivy-covered brick fence in the outfield? Can't they afford to install padding?
A good number of the fans just go to Wrigley because it's a social event. It doesn't really matter who wins or loses because they just go there to drink with friends. If you were to randomly poll "fans" exiting from Wrigley after a game, half probably wouldn't know the score or even the name of the opponent.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Dustin Diamond is an idiot
Remember the character Screech from Saved By The Bell??? Remember how annoying he was when he would always screw up Zack's crazy scams or annoy AC Slater? He was by far the most retarded character on that show. After Zack, AC Slater, Kelly, Lisa, and Jessie graduated with him in 1993 when the original Saved By The Bell run ended, he came back a year later to star in the dreadful Saved By The Bell: The New Class where he was apparently Mr. Belding's mentally deficient assistant.
Anyhow, Diamond has laid low for the past few years and is now trying to strike it big in the entertainment industry again. He is the bass player in Salty the Pocketknife which, as I understand it, is a horrible, horrible band. Apparently one of their biggest "hits" is called "Rim Goblin." That's sad. Check out some of the reviews for their crappy album.
Diamond is also a stand-up comedian. That's a shocker seeing as how he never said anything funny on Saved By The Bell. (Fans did laugh at him on that show, however, for being such a pathetic loser for playing Screech.) Check out these reviews of Diamond's stand-up act: review #1 review #2
Apparently there are a lot of people who like to post fantasies about Diamond in this forum (some of these are pretty funny): "Dustin Diamond Love"
Check out Garrett Brown's anti-Screech website.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Nolan Ryan is ridiculously overrated!
Ryan was wild and had control problems his entire career. Yes, it is true that he's the all-time leader in strikeouts with (5714), no-hitters (7), and he did win 324 games. However, he's also the all-time leader in walks issued (2795 - more than 50% more than the #2 person!), lost a whopping 292 games (#3 all-time), and his winning percentage was a pedestrian 52.6%.
Ryan seemed to be more intent on blowing the ball by batters instead of simply getting them out. I have no doubt that many of his 292 career losses were due in large part to walked batters who later scored. In 1974 Ryan struck out 367 batters, but also walked 202 batters! That's just sloppy.
I realize that a number of Ryan's fans aruge that his lost so many games because he was on bad teams. Unfortunately, that's simply a shallow argument. For example, Steve Carlton was on a pathetic Philadelphia Phillies team in 1972 that only won 59 games! However, Carlton led the NL in wins that year with 27, 45.7% of his team's victories that season! Simply put, the great ones find ways to win games despite being on poor teams. Randy Johnson has also managed to win many games despite having been on some terrible Mariners and Diamondbacks teams.
Moreover, Ryan failed to win a single CY Young Award during his 27-year career! In fact, Ryan only finished 2nd in the Cy Young Award voting once (in 1973). If he truly were the greatest, he would have won multiple Cy Young Awards.
Finally, I can think of a number of pitchers currently playing who have had beeter careers than Ryan - Randy Johnson, Roger Clemens, Greg Maddux, and Pedro Martinez, to name a few.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
More funny Yahoo message board posts
Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: scullyxxxmulder 03/02/03 10:52 am
Msg: 3045 of 4872
OK everyone. We can all agree that this stock is lets get into something serious.
There are only 2 Rules:
1- You can NOT vote for yourself
2- If you live in Florida your vote will not count
Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: judge_smailes8 (75/M/Benton Harbor, MI)
Long-Term Sentiment: Sell 04/01/03 02:27 am
Msg: 3070 of 4872
Scully, regardless of your criteria, I still want to nominate myself.
You and I are among the handful of intelligent contributors to this board. I used to post quite frequently in 1999-2000, but my postings have been very infrequent lately. In fact, this is my first post to this board in over a year.
I used to own several thousand shares of MS, but I liquidated my position last year when I came to the realization that MS would eventually go under. I always thought that their great Wand product would sell like hotcakes. Unfortunately, I was wrong.
As I enter my golden years, I look back at some of the accomplishments in my life with renewed appreciated. Yes, I was a judge on the Court of Appeals in Chicago from 1962-1975, appointed by President Kennedy. After I retired from the Court of Appeals, I worked as a mediator until the early 90s. Now, I spend my spare time visiting my grandchildren and investing. MS will always hold a special place in my heart - I'll never forget the many times I flamed Pool (remember him?) for posting something moronic. I also frequently bashed the Chinese kid who post to post here - (Ping something was his name).
Despite MS' certain demise, I have had a good time posting on the MS board. As a former judge, I've always felt the need to try to educate some of the less intelligent posters here. Hopefully, we'll all find another board on which to post our thoughts. I've perused the ANF board in the past, but that board has entirely too many morons who post. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself. In my younger days I could stomach reading what morons had to say about stocks. However, I am now 75 years old, and I do not have the time for such idoits. Accordingly, I'll have to find another board on which to spend my time.
Good luck to everyone else who has ever posted here.
Judge T. Smailes, Esq., Retired
U.S. Court of Appeals, Chicago (1962-75)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 3045 by scullyxxxmulder
Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: kima1957 04/02/03 10:01 am
Msg: 3072 of 4872
Dear Judge Smailes,
You sound like many lawyers I know, and more than a few judges. That is: Arrogant.
Now that you've nominated yourself (thank you for that), please tell us more about your background -- and how wonderful and smart you are. We are so fortunate to have learned from a man of your stature.
It's painfully obvious that you use boards like this for self-promotion. Get a grip on reality, man; nobody cares.
And some of us have more financial smarts than you'll ever have.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 3070 by judge_smailes8
Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: judge_smailes8 (75/M/Benton Harbor, MI)
Long-Term Sentiment: Sell 04/03/03 02:45 am
Msg: 3075 of 4872
Dear kima1957,
You are a complete idiot. I'm so sick of reading all the messages written by morons who post on the Yahoo message boards! People like are the reason why so few intelligent investors post here.
By the way, your login and your writing are vaguely familiar. Didn't I send you to the Joliet state prison for a couple years during the early 70s for armed robbery?
In any event, Kima1957, I am a former federal judge for the Court of Appeals in Chicago, appointed by President Kennedy. Did you ever meet President Kennedy? No you say? I didn't think so. I had lunch with President Kennedy and the former Mayor Richard M. Daley back on a warm spring day in '62. Both were quite affable, yet they would be appalled by the complete lack of respect and manner that you have shown me.
To the cordial MS posters over the previous 4 years, I bid you adieu! To the rude, obnoxious posters, I am not sorry to see you guys go. Your negativity is probably responsible for bringing MS down to the ground – you should be ashamed of yourselves!!!
Good night.
Judge T. Smailes, Esq., Retired
U.S. Court of Appeals, Chicago (1962-75)
>>Dear Judge Smailes,
>>You sound like many lawyers I know, and more than a few judges. That is: Arrogant.
>>Now that you've nominated yourself (thank you for that), please tell us more about your background -- and how wonderful and smart you are. We are so fortunate to have learned from a man of your stature.
>>It's painfully obvious that you use boards like this for self-promotion. Get a grip on reality, man; nobody cares.
>>And some of us have more financial smarts than you'll ever have.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 3072 by kima1957
Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: kima1957 04/03/03 12:52 pm
Msg: 3078 of 4872
Dear Judge Smailes,
We are all very impressed with you! Happy now?
Oh, and by the way, contrary to your assertion that I am "a complete idiot," in fact I have an IQ of 150 and have been a member of MENSA for years. Of course, I realize that your IQ is certainly much higher than mine ... and that you are eminently more knowledgeable than I as an investor (despite my graduate degrees in finance and economics).
The essential difference between us is simply this: Although I have posted here before, I do not feel the psychological need to engage in egomaniacal self-promotion. In fact, I am no better than anyone else.
And by the way: The ratio of "intelligent" to "moronic" posts on THIS board is approximately proportional to ANY OTHER Yahoo stock board.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 3075 by judge_smailes8
Re: Lets All VOTE on the top posters
by: judge_smailes8 (75/M/Benton Harbor, MI)
Long-Term Sentiment: Sell 04/04/03 02:06 am
Msg: 3082 of 4872
In your last post, you wrote "The essential difference between us is simply this: Although I have posted here before, I do not feel the psychological need to engage in egomaniacal self-promotion." However, you also wrote that your IQ is 150 and you are a member of MENSA.
Whew! I need to lie down! On the one hand, you mention that you don't engage in self-promotion, but on the other hand, you stress that your IQ is really high. Kima1957, all you do is engage in self-promotion!
You may have a 150 IQ, but did you graduate from Harvard Law School? I didn't think so. While you were discussing the latest Star Trek episodes at your Mensa meetings, I issued opinions that paved the way for the creation of the Federal Circuit!
This is my last post to this board. I can no longer tolerate the idiocy here.
Judge T. Smailes, Esq., Retired
U.S. Court of Appeals, Chicago (1962-75)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 3078 by kima1957
Dear Judge
by: kima1957 04/04/03 09:51 am
Msg: 3083 of 4872
Judge Smailes,
I have posted on this board a couple dozen times in the last few years, and I have NEVER "tooted my own horn" (prior to yesterday).
I indicated my IQ ONLY in response to your calling me an idiot. My high IQ doesn't make me better than anyone else -- and if it weren't for YOU, Judge, I would NEVER have disclosed it! My high IQ only makes me the antithesis of the idiot that you called me.
And you just can't resist, can you? You just can't help even MORE self-promoting, EVERY time you post! We continue to be sooooo impressed! Please, PLEASE, tell us more about yourself and your self-important life! You're so much better than the rest of us can ever hope to be!
And you know what, Judge? You have absolutely NO CLUE as to what I've done with my life, and I DO NOT feel the need to disclose to you (or anyone else) my own importance. But I will tell you this:
A. I have never been to a "MENSA Convention" (I'm afraid the majority of those folks would bore me to tears); and I have no interest in Star Trek.
B. I've accomplished a few things in my life, things that just might impress even such a magnificent specimen as yourself.
Have a nice day.
P.S. Seems like at least a few posters to this board (besides myself) have also noticed your blatant self-promotion.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Yahoo stock message board post
by: judge_smailes8 (74/M/Benton Harbor, MI)
Long-Term Sentiment: Buy 01/19/02 01:22 am
Msg: 2844 of 4872
Hello MS board,
I've held a long position in some 4,500 shares of MS since mid-1999. I've seen MS's share price go sharply up for no apparent reason, and also drop sharply for no apparent reason. It makes no sense to me - perhaps we are victims of stock manipulation.
I read some of the messages posted in this fine forum for the first time in nearly two years this afternoon. I'd like to share my conclusions with everyone who reads this board:
(1) Most of the people who post here don't know a damned thing about investing. In my younger days I could stomach reading what morons had to say about MS or any of my other holdings. However, I am now 74 years old, and I do not have the time for such idoits. Accordingly, if you don't know anything about investing, please post on the ANF board. You'll feel right at home with all of the other morons who post there.
(2)There are some big MS bulls who post here, as well as some big MS bears. It's time for the bulls and the bears to come together. As that tv theme goes, you take the good, you take the bad, you take them all and there you have, the facts of life, the facts of life. Ah, I digress. Anyway, in this time of national crisis I think that the bears should keep their negativity to themselves. Otherwise, MS will go down and the terrorists will have won this round.
Good luck to everyone else on the board. I look forward to my next post. Godspeed MS.
Judge T. Smailes, Esq., Retired
U.S. Court of Appeals, Chicago (1962-75)